Thursday, 2 September 2010

7:....there was something missing this morning!

There was something wrong when I woke up this morning, something was missing!.......Ah yes, no rain! I jumped (in slow motion, naturally) out of bed, and flung open the curtains (well, pulled then gently back, a fling would probably bring them down)...the sun was shining! The air was clear and fresh. OK so the stream next to the hostel was still flowing at express rate and dangerously full, but still...NO RAIN!. The morning TV was full of evidence that the rains have indeed caused serious damage to infrastucture with bridges down and roads washed awaqy in places, and there are some areas where they've got problems with homes flooded and crops and livestock washed away (you don't need to understand Polish to understand the film clips) However here we've escaped lightly being relatively high up.

Taking advantage of the fine weather I headed into town and to the market. After nearly a week of Polish cooking I was in DESPERATE need of fresh vegetables and fruit (don't get me wrong, the food is good and plentiful, it just doesn't run to fresh fruit and veg and depends largely on potatoes, grains and meat). Walking past the cheese stalls on the market.......

I found some wonderful fruit and vegetable stalls , freshly picked field and woodland mushrooms and fungi (no I don't know which is which)...
...raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, aronia, cranberries (the little european ones not the big american ones), hazelnuts...I loaded up on fresh stuff for cooking tonight and happened to turn around and look up. 

The rain had had a very different effect higher up! So I rushed back to the bus station, and headed back to Kuznice and up the cable car again (what a difference a few days make, no queue this time!) to the top where there was heavy SNOW.

I didn't walk fact I stepped off the path, which was rather slippery where people had been walking on it since early morning, and went straight up to my knees in drift.....
....and my stick hasn't got snow tips. Actually, I was quite surpised by the casual attitude of some of the people up there, improperly dressed for the weather ...high heels!?...crop tops...!?....shorts....!? I was told later that it's quite a problem here. Although the mountains are relatively small they are quite treacherous, amd around 30 people a year die in accidents, largely due to carelessness. 

Still, I got some good pics before retreating for a cup of Herbata and heading back down again.

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